Gamification as a Concrete Strategy for Teaching in a Vocational Education Setting


  • Alex Martins de Oliveira Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil



Gamification, Cyberculture, Education Professional, engagement


This Gamification has emerged in the latest years as an alternative support and assistance for the process of learning. Our goal with this experience was to bring the concepts related to the concepts of gamification and game-based learning to provide motivation for students in basic computer learning. Through an exploratory research and the qualitative approach using the cartographic research method, we developed a specific workshop for students enrolled in a technical background course. The main results found in this study confirm the research carried out by Schlemmer [10], in which design-cognition concepts are used in teaching, in a context of configuration of Hybrid and Multimodal Living Spaces, from the perspective of Gamification.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, A. M. (2018). Gamification as a Concrete Strategy for Teaching in a Vocational Education Setting. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 6(6), 76-86.