Low cost Device for Online Monitoring of Noise in Libraries using Internet of Things
Embedded System, Internet of Things, Sound NoisesAbstract
The present paper describes the development and practical application of an embedded system that performs the online monitoring of sound noises in a library of an educational institution using Internet of Things. The main objective of the proposed project is to record sound levels in closed areas and to alert users when allowed limits were exceeded. Thus, it was used a set of cost-effective tools, like free software and low-cost technologies. Raspberry Pi, PIC microcontroller and a sound sensor module were applied in the first phase. In the second phase, only ESP8266 microcontroller with sound sensor were used. Results of these two implemented phases are discussed. It was observed that both developed embedded systems, which use Internet of Things concept, contributed satisfactorily offering a better space for concentration.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Antonio Leandro Martins Candido, Sandro César Silveira Jucá, Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, Paulo Marvin de Brito Lima

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