X-ray Investigation of Microstructure and Properties Evolution on Superalloy Inconel-718 derivative during Rapid Joule Heating and Severe Plastic Deformation Concurrently
X-ray line-profile analysis, Inconel-718 derivative, electric upset forging, crystallites deformation, high cycle fatigueAbstract
The purpose of this study is to X-ray line-profile analysis of the effect of rapid Joule heating and severe plastic deformation concurrently on microstructure and properties evolution in polycrystalline austenitic Fe-balanced superalloy EP718E, which is Inconel 718 derivative. The microstructure of superalloy at different stages of processing was examined by X-ray diffraction, by scanning electron microscopy, and by energy dispersive spectrometry techniques. The mechanical properties of evolution were studied by means of tension and high cycle fatigue testings. The results of X-ray study show that the intensity, raw areas, and net areas were a step–by–step changed according to processing routines. Is shown that under shear stress the fcc-crystallites were deformed and the peaks parameters by 2-Theta scale changed partly.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Lembit Kommel, R. Traksmaa, V. Mikli

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