Reducing Test Anxiety Through Mind Relaxation in Undergraduate Nursing Students
Nursing Students, AnxietyAbstract
Anxiety and stress are feelings often experienced during nursing course exams. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, enhanced performance occurs at mid-levels of anxiety while low and high levels hinder optimum performance.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of a Tai Chi (mind relaxation) intervention on test anxiety.
Test Anxiety was measured utilizing the Westside Test Anxiety Scale, Zero-to-Ten Self-Anxiety Scale, and pulse rates.
Thirty-eight undergraduate nursing students enrolled in Health and Illness II during the fall and spring semesters participated in the study. An average of 15 students participated consistently in the Tai Chi intervention. Results demonstrated a significant difference in students’ anxiety scores before and after the Tai Chi intervention and with a post Tai Chi intervention anxiety scores reduction to a mid-level (M=4.73).
This study supports Tai Chi as an effective intervention before examinations in reducing nursing students’ anxiety levels.
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