Transitivity Process Analysis of Joko Widodo's Speech at the APEC CEO Summit
Systemic Functional Grammar, Transitivity Process, Joko Widodo’s SpeechAbstract
This article investigates the application of Halliday’s theory of Transitivity System in constructing speech power. The aims of this research are (1) to discover the transitivity process used by Joko Widodo in his speech, (2) to find out the most found transitivity process in Joko Widodo’s speech. (3) to discover how does the transitivity process reveal the ideological construction of Joko Widodo’s Speech. The researcher uses Systematic Functional Grammar approach. The data collecting technique is documentation and tabulation. The research results are (1) all of the transitivity processes appeared in the speech, (2) the most found transitivity process in the speech is relational process which is 30 0f 78 (38,5%), (3) relational process reveals that Joko Widodo constructs his speech by showing and telling what Indonesian has and what he was. Besides, Joko Widodo also tried to reinforce the CEOs to invest in Indonesia by using relational processes.
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