Knowledge Translation to support continuing teacher education
Knowledge Translation, Continuing Teacher Education, Exact Sciences TeachersAbstract
Nowadays teachers face many challenges in maintaining a continuous and high-class professional update in contemporary education. Faced with the need for greater qualification, teachers require not only sound and based training for their pedagogical activities, but resources that allow to reconcile the acquisition of knowledge in the dynamic routine of the classroom. The purpose of this article is to present the extent to which the process of Knowledge Translation (KT) can improve the continued training of teachers in the exact area. It is suggested that the improvement of these professionals can be improved through KT, by sending scientific evidence to individuals, in order to offer potentially useful materials to the teacher's updating activities. Discussions concerning the scenario of training and professional updating of teachers will be presented, highlighting the publications and / or scientific articles as contents and instruments that allow the improvement of the teaching training through the KT process. From the bibliographic survey carried out, it is demonstrated how this process can be applied in the educational area. An intervention was carried out with teachers of the Exact Sciences Area, whose proposal was to send summaries of scientific evidence to the participants, for a few months, in order to attest the effects of KT on the qualification of teachers. This study presents the results and discussions of the impacts generated by the intervention carried out, such as, increase in the frequency that teachers went on to develop some activities or differentiated practices in their teaching units, as well as the level of utilization of the shared content, as a post-intervention period result, showing the potential relevance and applicability of KT in the continued training of teachers.
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