Cooperative principle’s violation and politeness strategies in a movie
maxim, violation, cooperative principle, politeness strategies, movieAbstract
The present study was aimed to find out the type of politeness strategies which was frequently used by the casts in “Mr. Bean” movie and to find out the type of cooperative principle’s maxims which was frequently violated by the casts in “Mr. Bean” movie. This research was a descriptive qualitative method. All data were taken from the utterances of all casts in “Mr. Bean” movie which contained the politeness strategies and the violation of cooperative principle’s maxims. The researcher himself was the instrument of the research. The results show that bald on-record strategy is often used by the casts in “Mr. Bean” movie and the violation of relevance maxim is often used by them in “Mr. Bean” movie. It indicates that the casts of “Mr. Bean” movie tend to use bald on-record strategy and to violate the relevance maxim than other categories.
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