Sustainability of Entrepreneurship and Innovation among TVET Graduates in Namibia
entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, innovation, training, sustainability, TVETAbstract
Sustainable entrepreneurial skills are vital for the promotion of economic and social progress for both developed and developing societies. Hence, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) trainees needs adequate entrepreneurial exposure to become artisans who can satisfy the current and future market demands. Traditionally, TVET curricula has been preparing trainees to answer the question: where can I get employed after my training? However, contemporary curricula should now seek to prepare trainees who can equally answer the question: how can I become an innovator of business opportunities after my training? The former is proficient with occupational skills, but deficient of entrepreneurial ambitions, and should thus be consolidated with the latter to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. TVET curricula should not only seek to equip trainees with occupational skills and attitudes for seeking employment, but also with entrepreneurial capabilities for turning their occupational skills into feasible, viable and sustainable industrial entities. Therefore, TVET stakeholders should map out an appropriate model for ensuring successful integration of entrepreneurial education at every stage of the vocational education and training, to subsequently graduate committed and skilled artisans who are business-minded. This concept paper explained a model whose implementation could realise sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation among TVET graduates in Namibia.
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