Parental and Community Involvement as Correlate of Academic Performance Among Senior Secondary Schools in Calabar South, Nigeria
Parental, Community, Involvement, Correlate, academic performanceAbstract
Poor quality of academic performance is an issue of concern to members of the society. This deplorable situation is attributed to many factors such as lack of parental and community involvement. This study, therefore, explored the relatedness of parental and community involvement to academic performance in senior secondary schools. To achieve the purpose of the study two research questions were raised. A descriptive survey research design of ex-post facto type was adopted for the study. The sample consisted of 200 senior secondary school students who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Parental and community involvement questionnaire and academic performance test were used for data collection. Data obtained were analysed using multiple regression. Results shows that parental and community involvement in school matters are predictors of academic performance. Hence, Schools and government should focus not only on parental involvement, but also on establishing strong partnerships and relationships with parents and communities.
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