Gender Role in Household Food Access in Githunguri And Mwala Sub-Counties of Kenya
Gender role, Household food access, Food security, Githunguri, Mwala, KenyaAbstract
Food access is a critical concern for every household, community or government as it is a basic source for human energy to do work and for survival. Access to food is an essential component of good nutrition, health and well-being. Food access risks affecting households and mainly the poor arise from many sources. Knowledge of food access risk sources and coping strategies can contribute to forward planning to avert food security hazards. This study analyzed the extent of gender role difference in household food access and established the relationship between household food access and coping strategies employed during hazards. The study was carried out in high and medium potential livelihood zones of Githunguri and Mwala Sub-Counties respectively. Multistage sampling strategy was used to get the sample of 384 households. Face to face interviews using structured questionnaires were conducted. Two Focus Group Discussions of 10 persons each with balanced gender, were conducted. Five key informants per sub-county were also interviewed using key informant schedules. Data were analyzed using SPSS Statistical data Package for Social Sciences Version 17. Chi-Square χ2 test results for variables in 24 out of 30 gender role variables indicated a p value less than the significance level (0.00 <.05). The study therefore rejected the null hypothesis and concluded that there was significant difference in gender role based food access in male and female headed households in Githunguri and Mwala Sub-Counties. The study recommended two studies that include: (i) Determination of opportunities and constraints to optimal income generation for improved food access (ii) Opportunities and constraints to increased food production by gender hence food access.
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