Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being of Education Students
A Policy Issue Paper
educational policy, mental health, psychological distress, pre-service teachersAbstract
Education students face various challenges and depressive situations from their admission to their practice teaching experience. This case study examined how an institution addressed the issues on mental health and well-being of the students through its policy initiatives and sought to identify which policy alternative is best to address mental health issues and psychological distress among education students. To develop a comprehensive understanding of the institution’s position and ensure trustworthiness of the results, a methodological triangulation was done. Themes were generated from the data collected through document analysis, observations, and interviews. Results revealed the inadequacy of the provisions of the university code and student handbook to address mental health issues of students, the absence of a clear program and school prevention support, and the existence of Waray habits which restrain a proactive approach to solve similar issues. The study concludes that dealing with these issues on a case-to-case basis necessitates the provision of parameters to guide its stakeholders. From among the five policy options analyzed, the study recommended the development of a comprehensive campus-based mental health and well-being program that will ensure students’ mental and emotional preparedness in facing the rigors of their chosen profession.
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