Genotoxic potential of aqueous extract fresh sheets do grass - lemon (Cymbopogon citratus (A.D.) Stapf). In mice in micronucleus test means
Cymbopogoncitratus(A.D.) Stapf, Genotoxicity, micronucleusAbstract
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) it is a medicinal herb grown in almost all tropical countries, including Brazil. Your still therapeutic use is homemade, taking into account the ethnobotanical knowledge. Despite the long history with no reports of serious side effects, research has shown that they may have genotoxic potentialities. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the genotoxic effects of aqueous extract of lemongrass, prepared in 2%, 4% and 8% in the animal test system - Mus musculus L. The results showed that the bend the concentration of the aqueous extract of fresh leaves of lemon grass, bent also genotoxic effects on bone marrow Mus musculus L, inducing an increased frequency of micronucleus. This way, the consumption of lemon grass tea should be done with moderations and monitoring of health professionals.
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