Solid state fermentation of soybean meal with aspergillus Niger for upgrading nutritive values
Aspergillus niger, Nutritional value, Phytase activity, Soybean meal, Solid state fermentationAbstract
The experiment was conducted to observe the effect of different fermentation times on nutrient compositions and phytase activity of fermented soybean meal (FSBM) used solid state fermentation (SSF) by Aspergillus niger. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used in this experiment which was included three treatments and replicated three times per treatment. Soybean meal was used as substrate and inoculated with A. niger spore suspension. Two hundred and fifty ml capacity of Erlenmeyer flask was used to cultivate the culture. The fermentation times were 0, 3 and 5 days. The contents of dry matter, ash, ether extract, crude protein, gross energy and phytase activity of fermented soybean meal were determined. The percentages of crude protein, gross energy and phytase activity of day 5 FSBM were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of day 3 FSBM. Fermented SBM at day 5 had numerically increased in the ether extract contents. However, the ash and dry matter percentages of day 5 FSBM were significantly (p<0.05) reduced compared with those of day 3 FSBM. According to the obtained results, the effect of different fermentation times on nutrient contents and phytase activity of fermented soybean meal were significantly different. Therefore, fermented SBM incubated at day 5 is an appropriate alternative feed from SBM to be used as nourishable feed and phytase enzyme production in fermented soybean meal which will being economic benefits to farmers.
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