Comparative analysis in the field of entrepreneurship education in high school in Colombia and Ecuador


  • Angelica Rico Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
  • Marisol Santamaría Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia



Entrepreneurship education, high school education, education system in Colombia, education system in Ecuador


The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative study about the processes in the field of entrepreneurship education in high school in Colombia and Ecuador. It seeks to understand the actions which have been carried out in both countries, contrasting ways of implementation of the entrepreneurship class and identify legal aspects that support the training.

This research in comparative education was based on documentary analysis of legislation, curriculum and guidelines, which allowed an approach to two countries with similar profiles in the educational, social and economic sphere, but with different realities. Among the findings obtained in this study, it could be mentioned, the existence of specific laws about the incorporation of entrepreneurship in schools, in addition to its mandatory implementation at certain levels of high school, besides the need for a unified curriculum standards.


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Author Biographies

  • Angelica Rico, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

    PHD student

  • Marisol Santamaría, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia



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How to Cite

Rico, A., & Santamaría, M. . (2019). Comparative analysis in the field of entrepreneurship education in high school in Colombia and Ecuador. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(7), 16-27.