Teaching activity with ICT
perspectives on a regular high school in Bahia
education, information technology, teaching, internetAbstract
The teachers of today are inserted in a technological era that provokes them to review their methodological practices. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) is an instrument, although it is not a recent issue. But it is able to offer learners new possibilities for learning. The teacher is based on mastering this tool. The teaching units together with the public managers must subsidize with adequate infrastructure in both hardware, software, internet, applications as well as continuous training. However, many teachers, even though they have received adequate knowledge to deal with the interactive media in the classroom and thus convey new meaning to teach, tend to remain with the old models of teaching and learning. The students are against it. The aim was to understand the apathy, incompleteness or frustration regarding the use of technological media in the classroom of a public high school in the city of Senhor do Bonfim-BA. The research was conducted, preferably, on the night shift, in June, through a questionnaire applied to 18 teachers (100% of the sample). In order to answer the problem: Is teaching time a factor that contributes to the non-use of ICTs in school? The results showed that most of the faculty has more than 20 years of teaching. Another important factor was the infrastructure still to be desired, and both the handsets and the network connectivity are not satisfactory. The data show that the teaching time is a negative factor, considering that they are not teachers who were born of the technological culture.
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