Modeling of overflow curve in urban Manaus rivers
Overflow curve, urban floods, monitoring risk areasAbstract
The monitoring of water bodies is of great importance in urban areas, and also in the economic and social context of the large Brazilian metropolises. Urbanization alters the flow of rivers and streams that cut through large urban areas. At the same time, river monitoring can be performed using the mathematical methods present in the literature. This work will show the overflow curve of streams that cross the central areas of the city of Manaus, being possible to visualize through satellite images. For the characterization of the basins, besides satellite images, precipitation time series are used around the studied areas. With the data obtained from the study, it is expected to generate a program that warns the riverine population, for possible floods before they occur. It is also possible to develop a program that calculates a new gutter profile, which includes the design flow, for the studied streams.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Andréia Rodrigues Gomes, Alexandra Amaro de Lima, Raylla Carvalho, Igor Felipe Oliveira Bezerra, Jorge de Almeida Brito Júnior
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