Poultry and construction of adolescent identity in social vulnerability situation senator Pompey – Ce
Capoeira, Social vulnerability, Identity, TeensAbstract
Social vulnerability still affects many people, especially if there are no public policies on education, welfare, health and safety. It can have negative consequences both physical, and psychic. Amidst this scenario, it is clear that art can bring benefits to the individual. We chose to roost for this research to be a wide artistic expression, involving various expressions, as well as being one of the largest and oldest art forms in Brazil, with traces of the black community that was enslaved in colonial and imperial Brazil. This study aimed to understand how participation in the Santa Terezinha Foundation capoeira group in Pompey-EC Senator interfere in the construction of identity of adolescents in socially vulnerable. It is a country and qualitative research, as well as descriptive and exploratory, using case study. Data were collected in Santa Terezinha Foundation in Senador Pompeu, from March to May. Made use of questionnaire and semi-structured interviews conducted with 2 teenager’s capoeira group. Content analysis revealed categories like "Capoeira and its personal meaning", "capoeira teacher Meaning" and "Identity and (m) metamorphosis." It was noticed several positive changes in the lives of these subjects, where this article can be effective in targeted intervention practices for this audience, and demonstrate the importance of public policies that encourage the poultry, especially in unfavourable contexts and social vulnerability.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Francisco José Mendes Vasconcelos, Antonia Aparecida Victor, Candida Maria Farias Câmara, Anna Paula Fagundes Bezerra, Milena Holanda Bezerra Oliveira, Stania Nagila Vasconcelos Carneiro, Elane Maria De Castro Coutinho, Bruna de Oliveira Bezerra, Andréa Alexandre Vidal
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