Exponential organizations and digital transformation: two sides of the same coin
Exponential Organizations, Digital Transformation, Startups, Network EffectAbstract
The objective of this paper is to verify if there is a link between start-ups that have characteristics of exponential organizations and if this growth has a connection with the digital transformation. It is a bibliographic research with a field research based on the theoretical framework in order to understand the influence of digital transformations on ExOs. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to investigate the relationship between ExOs and digital transformation, will be applied to founders and co-founders of six start ups of different segments and sizes, their answers analyzed qualitatively, based on the theories of exponential organizations, would have singularity and abundance. After the analysis it is concluded that of the companies studied, which have strong characteristics of exponential organizations, 100% of them use digital business models (software or platforms) and operate with the strong use of digital tools and agile methods.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Fonttamara Lima, Giuliano Rainatto, Norberto de Almeida Andrade, Fernando Rodrigues da silva

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