The Development of Mathematical Worksheet for Junior High School Based on Guided Discovery Oriented by PISA
Guided Discovery, PISA, Problem SolvingAbstract
The problem solving ability is one of the most important skills to students. However, in reality these skills do not seem to have been optimally achieved in schools, as students are less involved in the development ofthe concepts learnt and teacher-centered learning. Possible efforts are the development of a guided, discovery-based worksheet based on the PISA model. In which the students are given instructions to understand the concept directly. Students are then asked key questions so that they can think, analyze by themselves, and are confident in dealing with arguments. The purpose of this study is to create a worksheet based on a guided discovery that is PISA-based and valid, practical and effective in improving students' problem solving skills. This research is a bulging research model consisting of four internships. The subjects of this study was the 7th grade students or SMP N 1 Lembang Jaya. The tools used were validation, internship sheets, interview guidelines, observational sheets and questionnaires. The results obtained are valid worksheets and can be well understood by the students
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