The Connection between Cooperativism and Decent Work
Cooperativism, decent work, BibliometryAbstract
Cooperativism is based on the principles of cooperatives. They are applied, in practice, the cooperative values of free association and democracy for its members and are based on the fundamental rights. However, in the last two decades, in Brazil, the cooperatives began to hire workers on a low wage salary in a continuous and accelerated process. Taking into consideration that the hiring of workers by the cooperativism was not considered by its founding members, the formal hiring generated by cooperatives, all around the world, has increased. It is important to mention that the fundamental working rights notions started to exist due to the emergence of the concept of Decent Work. This concept was formalized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1999, with the aim of promoting quality work opportunities, under the conditions of human freedom, equity, security and dignity. They are considered essential conditions for overcoming poverty, reducing social inequalities, guaranteeing democratic governance and sustainable development. In the research carried out in Brazil about this subject, it was identified that the employment opportunities generated by the cooperatives are closer to the concept of Decent Work when compared to those generated by the private sector. Thus, the present article aims to identify the connection between cooperativism and Decent Work through a bibliometric revision of literature. The methodological process used in the research was the bibliometric approach by applying co-word analysis. From the results obtained, it was not possible to establish a direct connection between cooperativism and Decent Work. Nevertheless, the connection was identified indirectly in the articles that focused on this theme. Even though, the focus was on the associated membership and not on the hired employees.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Caroline Jacques, Max Richard Verginio, Dimas de Oliveira Estevam

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