A methodology proposal to develop a research project for innovation system
Research project, Innovation System, UniversityAbstract
Around the world many students or professionals interested in innovation system field dream to have a master, doctor or post doctorate experience in a top university. However, it is noted that are difficulties to identify a top university and propose a good research for a potential supervisor. So, the aim of this article is to propose a methodology to help readers to write a research plan concerning innovation system in order to submit into top universities selection process. In order to do so, a basic conceptual methodology with 8 steps and guidance will be presented by using real case, focused on The Best UK Universities Management Practices to Foster Local Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a basic post doctorate project that the author submmited and was approved in 2018 by the Directors of The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research at Alliance Manchester Business School in the University of Manchester. It was concluded that there is no a universal standard to write a research project concerning to innovation system field or even other field, each university or fund/grand foundation develops its own model. So the conceptual methodology doesn’t want to replace other methodologies, but only to serve as a guide to those candidates that wish to write a proposal and follow the orientations given in this article.
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