Anticorruption Education Insertion in Islamic Religious Learning In The Umar Mas'ud Kindergarten of Bawean Island Indonesia
Insertion, anti-corruption education, Islamic education, kindergarten, Bawean IslandAbstract
The problem raised in this study is the emergence of new phenomena about corruption cases that ensnared Islamic religious leaders in Indonesia. These cases happened because so far Islamic education in Indonesia did not or had not taught anti-corruption. As a result, Indonesia in 2019 was ranked the fourth most corrupt country in the world. Corruption eradication effort cannot be done by law enforcement alone, but prevention efforts in a structured and systematic way must be carried out, and one of them is through early education or early childhood education. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find an anti-corruption education model in Islamic religious learning in early childhood education. This research is a qualitative type of phenomenological research. The setting of this study is the Umar Mas’ud Kindergarten located in Sangkapura district of Bawean Island Indonesia. Data collection techniques are done by interview, observation and documentation. Interviews were conducted with 23 kindergarten teachers. Observations were done in anti-corruption classes developed for the Umar Mas'ud Kindergarten in Bawean Island. Data analysis was performed following a descriptive-analytic and interactivity model. The results showed that the anti-corruption education model in Islamic religious learning for Umar Mas’ud Kindergarten is the insertion of an honesty centre in one of the centres, namely Macro-Micro and Honesty centre.
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