The Effectiveness of Developed Comic Strips as Intructional Materials in Teaching Specific Science Concepts
Comic Strips, Instructional Materials, Waste Generation and Management, Science Process SkillsAbstract
The study assessed the effectiveness of developed comic strips as an instructional material on teaching specific science concepts. The study also determined the perception of the respondents on the use of developed comic strips with regards the enhancement of their science process skills. Moreover, the study provided results on the mean difference between the pre-test and posttest performance of the respondents when aided by developed comic strips. The researchers made used of validated rubrics and survey-questionnaire as the primary tools of the study. The findings showed that the developed comic strip was effective as an instructional material in teaching science concepts, on waste generation and management topics in particular. It was rated acceptable and commendable by the expert-evaluators. There was a significant difference between the pre-test and posttest mean scores of the respondents. The respondents positively perceived that the developed comic strips had enhanced their inferring and communicating science process skills. Hence, the results further motivate the respondents to appreciate waste generation and management and put value on its effect to human and environment. Future utilization of this comic strip as an instructional material in teaching specific science concepts would raise environmental awareness and campaign.
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