Effects of Examination Oriented Teaching on Academic Aspiration among Secondary School Students in Imenti South District, Kenya
Academic aspiration, curriculum, Examination oriented teaching, holistic educationAbstract
This study sought to examine the effects of examination oriented teaching on academic aspiration among secondary school students in Imenti South District of Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design on a target population of 14,847 respondents, comprising of teachers, students and Assistant Education Officers in Imenti South District. Stratified random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were employed to obtain the desired sample. Data was collected using three sets of questionnaires whose reliability was estimated by use of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient using SPSS version 17.0. The study findings indicated that examination oriented teaching negatively affects students’ academic aspiration in secondary school. Therefore, it is anticipated that the findings and recommendations of this study will provide valuable reference for curriculum planning, development, administration, implementation and evaluation with a view of providing a holistic educational experience among secondary schools students in Imenti South District, Kenya.
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