Potential Effectiveness of TED talks in developing listening Reflections of Jordanian Participants in United Nations Police Monitors Courses
listening, UN Police Monitors Courses, TED talksAbstract
This study examinesthe perceptions of participants in UN police monitors courses about the effectiveness of TED (technology, entertainment and design)talksin developing their listening. The researchersused a qualitative research design on25 purposefully-selected participants in the police monitor course held at the Jordanian police peacekeeping institute.
The TED talks-based program aimed at offering the participants opportunities for practicing listening and raising their awareness of the benefits of using TED talks for academic purposes. The training lasted for four weeks during the first police monitor course of 2018. The findings show that TED talks were reported to positively affect the participants' perceptions of the effectiveness of these talks in improving their listening. The participants were reportedly highly satisfied with the content, method and time of training as well as their interaction, motivation and benefit from it. The study concludes with several recommendations and implications for EFL teachers, educational policy makers, and textbook designers.
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