Analysis in materials management processes: case study of the metallurgical production line of Company in Goiás


  • Jean Nacife Goiano Federal Institute
  • Albertino Ferreira Neto Faculdade Quirinópolis
  • Erley Batista Dias Faculdade Quirinópolis
  • Katiusce Borges Silva Faculdade Quirinópolis



management materials, production planning, strategy production


Great is the importance of the application of management tools in the context of materials management and its effectiveness highlights the impacts it causes on the production processes of industrial organizations. The objective of the research is analyzing points in the production line in aluminum frames “Practical” that generates lack of done products at the moment of the loading. It is believed that there is a lack of monitoring of the safety stock during the processes. Regarding the methodological section, a case study will examine the use of techniques and methods in the composition of the field research in Haiala Metallurgical Company. The traditional case study investigation strategy is applied in order to understand the unit of analysis as the essence of the case in investigation, focusing on the organization's productive process as a unit of analysis as a determinant of this research project. The operational process of stock market has a high weight in the production; it must be treated with targeted investments in the sector, as in the training of professionals, as in the processes and systems that will gain time in qualifying and quality of products and services. According to the data obtained, the researchers reported the possibility of any flaws relationed with the production line, resupply time of the feedstock in the working point and turnover. It was concluded that the lack of the finished product was due to the lack of an accurate production planning.


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How to Cite

Nacife, J., Neto, A. F. . ., Dias, E. B. . ., & Silva, K. B. . (2019). Analysis in materials management processes: case study of the metallurgical production line of Company in Goiás. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(10), 979-988.