Construction of a low-cost mobile embedded system for computer numerical control and educational purpose
CNC Machine, Arduino, L293D, Education, Embedded systems, G-codeAbstract
This article describes the construction of a low-cost, mobile, CNC (Computerized Numerical Command) mini machine, bringing as its objective the gain of experience in relation to machining knowledge, where the device executes a list of movements written in the programming language G. For the development of the project, the Arduino Nano embedded system, two CD / DVD players and two H bridges (L293D) were used. Afterward, the assembly, programming and results of the project in question are described.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Josué Batista Mota, Gilmar de Pontes Barros Bezerra, Jardeson de Araújo Arlindo, Vinícius Ferreira da Silva, Francisco Laurindo Costa Junior, Diêgo Lima Carvalho Gonçalves, Sandro César Silveira Jucá
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