Eucharistic Fellowship and its Relevance in Human Relationship
Eucharistic Fellowship, Human Relationship, ManAbstract
Man is naturally a social animal. For no single human being is an island, and simply put, no one is completely sufficient. Man thus naturally relates, and in this human relationship, personal interest, sentiment, bias, desire e.t.c, comes in and thus problems ensue. Man has also devices various academic means to resolve the problem, these means or ways include sociology, psychology, anthropology, history and international diplomacy and religious studies. Among the world known religions which of course speak peace and good human relationship, Christianity seems to stand out. Christianity, a religion traced to Judaism and the life and activities of Jesus Christ, gave man veritable tools of sustaining good human relationship. The importance of human relationship or the need for harmony, oneness and unity is showcased in the African Traditional Religion(ATR) among the Umunna in the Igbo community is demonstrated by the practice of “ Oriko†which exemplifies unity and also is synonymous with the Christian Eucharist fellowship. Having considered qualitative and hermeneutical methods, this paper is of the view that the Eucharist in the New Testament depicts strong lessons of love, peace, hospitality, acceptance, unity, harmony, forgiveness and sacrifice, faith/trust in God and in fellow man among others. If these are learned and practiced as explained in Eucharistic fellowship teachings by St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, the challenges encountered in human relationship will be a thing of the past.
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