Differentiated Education Supervision Approaches in Schools through the Lens of Teachers
Developmental Supervision, Teacher Professional Growth, School Improvement, Differentiated SupervisionAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the predominant approaches of education supervision in a randomly selected sample of schools in Beirut, Lebanon according to Glickman et al.’s (1998) differentiated model. For this purpose, 290 teachers (N1= 290) from 29 non-free private schools in Beirut (N2= 29) completed a survey. Data was analyzed using SPSS 21.0 for windows. Results indicated that: (1) teachers were not satisfied in schools with the education supervision behaviors in their schools; (2) the predominant approaches of education supervision were directive control, followed by directive informational, collaborative and least were non-directive behaviors; and (3) supervisory approaches were not differentiated in schools. Implications and limitations of the study and suggested.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Norma Ghamrawi, Najah Ghamrawi, Tarek Shal
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