Concept Mapping as an Innovative Teaching Strategy to Enhance Cognitive Learning in Nursing Administration Course


  • Eman Salman Taie Helwan University. Egypt-Cairo



Concept mapping, teaching strategy, cognitive learning skills, meaningful learning, students achievements


Background Concept mapping is a teaching and learning strategy that establishes a bridge between how
people learn knowledge and sensible learning.
Aim The present study aims to explore the effect of concept mapping based learning on students' cognitive
learning levels in nursing administration course.
Methods It is a quasi- experimental study. The study was conducted in faculty of nursing –Helwan University.
Subjects were composed of all 4th year students (102) in faculty of nursing –Helwan University, for the academic
year 2012-2013, . Two types of Questionnaire formats were used (Students’ knowledge about concept
mapping questionnaire format and satisfaction questionnaire format) plus concept map assessment Rubric
and students’ achievement test in collecting data for this study.
Findings The majority of the experimental students before awareness sessions were lack knowledge about
concept mapping. Also, regarding applications concept map scoring rubric assignments the majority of the
experimental students had moderate score in the 1st assignment and high score in 2nd assignment. As evident,
the majority of the studied students either control or experimental had low score in pre-test. While, in the posttest
the majority of experimental had high score. Most of them perceived concept mapping positively as a
learning tool.
Conclusion There was a high significant difference between experimental students' knowledge about concept
mapping before and after awareness sessions, concept mapping improved students’ meaningful learning
levels. Finally, most of experimental students perceived concept mapping positively.


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Author Biography

  • Eman Salman Taie, Helwan University. Egypt-Cairo

    Assistant Prof. of Nursing Administration, Head of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing


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How to Cite

Taie, E. S. (2014). Concept Mapping as an Innovative Teaching Strategy to Enhance Cognitive Learning in Nursing Administration Course. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(7), 11-25.