Male migration and problems face by the family left behind
A case study of Thesil Daska
migrant’s family, children left behind, multidimensional approachAbstract
Migration can bring financial prosperity but it causes the absence of traditional and cultural figure from family, which ultimately brings a change in the lives of left behinds, the wives and children. This research aims to explore the economic, social and psychological perspectives of an effected family. Qualitative nature of inquiry has been used. Study found that migrant’s children enjoy greater opportunities of education and health. Migration have positive relationship with budget allocation for educational and health requirements. But the psychological disturbances become the part of the personality of the children left behind because they miss the shelter of father. Similarly women feel economically well-established but they also feel emotional stress, loneliness and sadness. My research will helps the policy makers and stakeholders to frame the evidence based social policies which minimize the negative impact of migration on family left behind.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Shazia Kousar, Dr. Sumaira Rehman, Dr.Ch. Abdul Rehman

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