A Study on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Banking Industry
Organization Citizenship Behaviour, Competency, Quality of Work Life, Leader Member ExchangeAbstract
Organ (1988) defined organization citizenship behavior (OCB) as the individual’s behavior that is discretionary not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization. There has been numerous studies performed on organization citizenship behavior and antecedents of this behavior were explored since this behavior contributes to the effective functioning of an organization. The positive contribution of OCB to organizational performance is widely accepted by literature(Podsakoff and MacKenzie,1994,1997; Podsakoff et al.,2000). This behavior have been described by the service literature as being essential; for achieving superior returns. The service industry has been a major contributor to the growth and development of the Malaysian economy (Central Bank of Malaysia, 2007;Deparment of Statistics Malaysia,2010; Malaysian Industrial Development Authority,2010). According to Warrier(2010), the services sector is estimated to contribute 70 percent of GDP to Malaysia’s economy by 2020.There has been a significant correlation in literature between the relationships of competency, quality of work life, transformational leadership) and organization citizenship behavior. The research intends to explore on how this variables encourage the exhibition of OCB among the service personnel in the banking industry. The relevant hypotheses have been developed and further testing on its relationship will be conducted in order to investigate its impact on organizational citizenship behavior.
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