Music therapy for pigs created in open pen
animal welfare, animal behavior, music, swineAbstract
Music therapy is related to art, science and education and can be used in different methodologies and goals. For the purpose of reducing diseases, stress, encouraging physical and psychological health, music could be studied and used as a tool to animal welfare. Among the animals production, the economic activity of pig farming is of great importance in world agribusiness. Pig meat is the most consumed meat on the planet. Thus, the objective of the research was to analyze the influence of the music therapy in the production of pigs in the growing phase raised in open pen, assessing the welfare and behavior of the animals. The study was carried out in the southeastern region of Brazil, in the city of Piracicaba-SP with coordinates of latitude 22º 43 '31 "S and longitude 47º 38' 57" W, during the month of September 2015. Among the behaviors analyzed, it was verified that the agonistic presented statistical differences between the pen without music and the pen with music. For the behavior ludic ones, there was difference for animal interaction. After analyzed the results of this research, is possible conclude that exists a tendency of music therapy to have a positive influence in the behavior and welfare of the growing pigs raised in open pens.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Érica Harue Ito, Késia Oliveira da Silva Miranda, Daniel Lamarca

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Accepted 2020-05-03
Published 2020-06-01