Visibility of hospitalized children
Right to learning
Hospital class, Hospitalized child, Education and healthAbstract
The article results from a research developed in the Postgraduate Program in Health and Development of the Midwest Region, at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, carried out in the hospital classes of two public hospitals in Campo Grande / MS, between 2014 - 2016. We carried out a bibliographic survey on the topic, allowing us to reflect and discuss the visibility of hospitalized children. We verify how the children's learning process takes place in the hospital environment. The right to basic education belongs to all children, including those who are away from school due to illness. It is necessary to think about the locus of pediatric hospitals in order to develop activities in which the hospitalized child feels productive, in development, and with activities similar to other children of his age. The child must participate in activities that allow him to live on equal terms with other children and have the opportunity to be included in the knowledge acquisition process. Ceccim et al. (1997) affirm that the hospitalized child cannot be doubly penalized: to be sick and to be away from school, friends, games and organizations of space and time. Education is a right for all and a duty of the State and the family and is expressed as a right to learning and schooling. These rights are consolidated in article 214 of the Federal Constitution when expressing that the actions of Public Policies should lead to the universalization of specialized school attendance and in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education in art. 5, by ensuring that the Public Power will create alternative forms of access to different levels of education. This service is characterized as Special Education for serving children considered to have special educational needs as a result of having curricular difficulties due to conditions of specific health limitations recovering the child in an inclusion process offering learning conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Milene silva, Ordália Alves de Almeida, Ana Paula Gaspar Melim

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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01