Water and energy savings in micro irrigation systems design using optimization models
linear programming, nonlinear programming, trickle irrigation, citros, water use efficiency, energy costAbstract
The main disadvantage of trickle irrigation systems is its comparatively high initial cost, which depends on the layout, design, and management of its hydraulic network. Designing the sub-main and lateral lines aiming the emitter uniformity maximization can reduce the microirrigation system costs. This research aimed to compare linear and nonlinear programming models and maximization versus minimization criteria to optimize the crop net benefit, considering the water and energy savings. Two versions of LP and NLP models were developed: the first minimized the equivalent annual cost of the irrigation system considering the pipeline cost and the energy cost; the second maximized the yearly increment in the net benefit (Bn) of the irrigated crop. In both cases, uncertainty about the crop price was considered. The models were applied in a 40 ha citrus orchard in São Paulo State, Brazil. The highest net benefit was found using the NLP model with the maximization criterion. The worst result was obtained with the LP model and the minimization of the total annual cost. The layout and management previously established by the designer are subjective and rarely results in the best solution, although the linear programming model always gets the global optimum. The NLP models get local optimal, but they defined the layout, design, and management of the systems, with more chance to obtain a higher net benefit. The NLP model for maximization showed to be an adequate option for designing microsprinkler irrigation systems, defining the hydraulic network and the operational conditions that maximize Bn and WUE, with the lowest water consumption and lowest energy cost.
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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01