Visualization of Archimedian and Platonic polyhedra using a web environment in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Geometry, Polyhedra, MathematicsAbstract
This paper shows the development of a web environment for the construction of Archimedes and Plato polyhedra in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). In this environment we used the geometric transformations of translation and rotation with the structure of hierarchies of HTML pages, without the use of the coordinates of each polyhedra vertex. The developed environment can be used in classroom to visualize the polyhedra in Augmented Reality, with the possibility of manipulations of the graphical representations by students in the environment created in Virtual Reality. Other studies that can be developed with the polyhedra modeled are areas, volumes and the relation of Euler. Another important content that can be developed is truncation, because seven Archimedes polyhedra are obtained by using truncation of Plato's polyhedrons. With this work, it becomes possible to develop didactic materials with a simple technology, free and with great contribution to improvement of the teaching of Geometry and other areas that use representation of 3D objects.
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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2021-11-01