Relationship among quality management practices, innovation and competitive advantage in manufacturing companies certified with ISO 9001 in Brazil
Competitiveness, Total quality management, ISO 9001, Process Innovation, Product Innovation, TQMAbstract
The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among quality management practices, product and process innovation and competitive advantage in manufacturing companies certified with ISO 9001 in Brazil, using the model proposed by Kafetzopoulos, Gotzamani, and Gkana (2015). The study can be classified as descriptive, with data collection carried out by survey and quantitative approach with structural equation modelling. The results showed the model adopted has quality to measure the proposed relations, in addition to support the hypothesis previously defined. The conclusion of the study indicates the results contribution to the studies on the theme, the quality management practices have a positive and significant relationship with both types of innovation investigated, and the respective constructs of innovation have positive and significant relationships with competitive advantage.
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Accepted 2020-06-22
Published 2020-07-01