Perception of Hospitalized Users About Humanized Nursing Care in a Municipal Hospital of Itaituba, Pará-Brazil.


  • Fernando Conceição de Lima Metropolitan University Center of the Amazon (UNIFAMAZ)
  • Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes Ueno Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA)
  • Daniele Melo Sardinha Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC)
  • Dayane Ferreira da Silva Faculdade de Itaituba (FAI)
  • Iza Rayane Franco Couto Faculdade de Itaituba (FAI)
  • Marcela Cristina Lopes Paz Faculdade de Itaituba (FAI)
  • Aline Maria Pereira Cruz Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
  • Paula Sousa da Silva Rocha State University of Pará (UEPA)
  • Darlisom Sousa Ferreira Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA)
  • Juliana Conceição Dias Garcez Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia (UNIFAMAZ)



Nursing, Hospitalization, Humanization of Assistance, Nursing Care


Objective: to understand the perception of hospitalized users about humanized nursing care in a municipal hospital in Itaituba, Pará. Field study of exploratory and descriptive type of qualitative approach. Method and Procedures: The research was developed in a Municipal Hospital of Itaituba, Pará (HMI); 23 patients hospitalized in the medical and surgical clinic sector participated in the research. Data were collected by means of a semi-structured interview questionnaire made up of two parts: socioeconomic data from the survey participants and open questions on the perception of the hospitalized user about the humanized care received during hospitalization, which were collected using the saturation technique. The data analysis was performed using the Bardin technique. Results: 78% of the participants were female, 48% married, the prevailing age range was between 19 and 87 years old; 39% of the surveyed had incomplete primary education and 74% had income of up to one minimum wage. With the analysis of content three thematic categories emerged: "user perception of nursing care", "humanized care and its importance" and "evaluation and suggestions on nursing care". Conclusion: The great majority of participants of the survey showed to be satisfied with the care provided by nursing professionals, besides highlighting humanization as an important point for reestablishing health and highlighted the use of communication, attention and empathy for others as a factor of humanization.


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Author Biography

  • Aline Maria Pereira Cruz, Federal University of Pará (UFPA)

    Possui graduação em Enfermagem pela Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA-2005), Residência em Enfermagem Oncológica (HOL/ UEPA-2008), Mestrado (2012) e Doutorado (2015) em Genética e Biologia Molecular pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Pós-Doutorado em Oncologia (PPGOCM/ 2017). É docente da Faculdade de enfermagem - UFPA desde 2017. Área de atuação: saúde do adulto, com ênfase em câncer e infectologia. (Texto informado pelo autor)


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How to Cite

Lima, F. C. de, Mariany Rêgo Lopes Ueno, T., Ferreira da Silva, D., Rayane Franco Couto, I., Cristina Lopes Paz, M. ., Maria Pereira Cruz, A., Rocha, P. S. da S. ., Sousa Ferreira, D., & Conceição Dias Garcez, J. (2020). Perception of Hospitalized Users About Humanized Nursing Care in a Municipal Hospital of Itaituba, Pará-Brazil. (D. Melo Sardinha , Trans.). International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(8), 228-239.
Received 2020-06-29
Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-08-01