Integrating technology in secondary school
an experience a flipped classroom and Inquiry-Based Learning for a science class
Flipped classroom, Inquiry-Based Learning, Secondary educationAbstract
The continuous advance of digital technologies reinforces the need to provide more attractive teaching environments. Compatible environments, not antagonistic, with the way children and adolescents learn. This work presents an experience of integrating technology in the science discipline in elementary school. 44 students from the 5th year of a public school participated in the research. Methodologically, the inverted classroom technique was chosen. To support the activities and make the contents available, a didactic sequence based on Inquiry-Based Learning, made available in a VLE. Two questionnaires were applied: one with 12 items, which aimed to obtain registration data and identify the students' profile; and another, which sought to identify the students' perception of the new didactic experience. This second had 18 items, arranged on a 5-point Likert scale, divided into 4 domains (Usability, Perception of Learning, Satisfaction and Utility). The average obtained from the items was 4.28 points on the Likert scale. This revealed that the experience was well evaluated and approved by the participants, and that the presented model of learning was pleasant, in addition to arousing the students' interest in research.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Susana Susana Medeiros Cunha, Isabela Nardi da Silva, Ladislei Marques Felipe Castro, juarez bento silva, Simone Meister Sommer Bilessimo
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Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-08-01