Computational Mathematical Model Based on Lyapunov Function for the Hormonal Storage Control
Lyapunov function, Computational mathematical model, Hormonal storage controlAbstract
Computational mathematical models have shown promise in the biological mechanism's reproduction. This work presents a computational mathematical model of the hormonal storage control applied to an endocrine cell. The model is based on a system of differential equations representing the internal cell dynamics and governed by the Lyapunov control function. Among the stages of these dynamics, we analyze the storage and degradation, which occur within some endocrine cells. The model’s evaluation considers, as an example, the synthesis–storage-release regulation of catecholamine in the adrenal medulla. Seven experiments, varying the input parameters, were performed to validate and evaluate the model. Different behaviors could be observed according to the numerical data used for future research and scientific contributions, besides confirming that Lyapunov control function is feasible to govern the cell dynamics.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Vanessa Henriques Borges, Ivail Muniz Junior, Carlos Antonio de Moura, Dilson Silva, Celia Martins Cortez, Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro

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Accepted 2020-10-23
Published 2020-11-01