Students can experience flow from problem-based learning in Conservation Genetics
problem-based learning, flow, focus groups, students, cognition, Conservation GeneticsAbstract
Learning in flow is the ultimate experience. Flow means being completely absorbed and focused in the moment. This study investigates the possibility of achieving flow from problem-based learning in students. Problem-based learning was used to teach Conservation Genetics to nineteen undergraduate students. Their perceptions of the learning experience were evaluated using a focus group interview. Four themes were generated: enjoyment of learning activity, cooperation, independent learning and appreciation of learning. Students were thoroughly engaged in the learning activity and simultaneously driven by curiosity and interest of the subject to remain challenged, focused and motivated at the task at hand. Problem-based learning applied in teaching Conservation Genetics influenced enjoyment, an aspect of flow during the learning activity. These findings suggest that the flow experience induced from problem-based learning enhances student learning and appreciation of the subject.
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Accepted 2020-11-03
Published 2020-11-01