Shopping Centers and Confrontation with Product Life Cycle
Shopping center, Consumption, Product lifecycleAbstract
This article presents initially the evolution of the shopping center as a product, from its starting configuration as a supply center focused on territorial planning to its configuration as a real estate product. Thus was observed that the product’s condition took it to a confrontation with a cycle, laid out in phases that go from introduction to decline. In this case, cycle confrontation will not free ventures from entering the phase of decline, implying in great impacts on cities and their inhabitants, as well as on the several agents involved with this type of enterprise. Therefore, the work points out a concern with relation to the types of ventures that will be developed which cannot be exempted from a holistic view of urban economy.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Fernando Garrefa, Heliana Comin Vargas, Valeika Carminati

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Accepted 2020-11-04
Published 2020-11-01