Public Policies and Innovation Ecosystem within the Technological Innovation Center of the Federal Institute Baiano

strategic analysis of actions, programs and projects




public policies, innovation ecosystem, technological innovation nucleus, strategic analysis


Innovation policies have been gaining ground in the Brazilian scenario, requiring a strategic look at innovation activities by organizations in the conception of technologies. The article aimed to analyze the actions, programs and projects that are driving the innovation ecosystem of the Technological Innovation Center of the Federal Institute of Bahia (NIT IF Baiano) with a view to strengthening Innovation Policies for local and regional development. The research had a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory approach, documentary research and content analysis. Several actions were found to foster innovation, the main ones being: scientific and technological dialogues, seminars. Thus, it was evidenced in this research that within the scope of IF Bahia the Innovation Policy for the management of Intellectual Property (IP) and Technology Transfer was recently regulated and, as a reflex, it was found that its IP indicators are retracted, for example the patents, trademarks and software. On the other hand, the scientific initiation programs received scholarships and the research projects developed managed to exceed the programmed goals. Finally, the NIT IF Baiano must remain supporting innovation policies to support the institutional Innovation Policy in order to leverage its technological indicators.


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Author Biographies

  • Sandra Santos Souza, Federal Institute of Bahia

    Master's student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT. She is an effective public servant of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IF BAIANO), working in the People Management Directorate, an assistant position in administration.

  • André Luis Rocha de Souza, Federal Institute of Bahia

    PhD in Industrial Engineering by the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering - PEI / UFBA. Permanent Professor of the Professional Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation PROFNIT / IFBA. Professor and Researcher at the Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA and Former Advisor to the Deputy Directorate of Higher Education - DAES / IFBA.

  • Marcelo Santana Silva, Federal Institute of Bahia

    Post-Doctor by the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering - PEI (UFBA) where he received a scholarship (PDJ / CNPq). He is a Permanent Professor of the Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT (IFBA).

  • Jerisnaldo Matos Lopes, Faculty of Technology and Sciences - FTC

    Doctor in Regional and Urban Development (UNIFACS). Professor at the Faculty of Technology and Sciences - FTC, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil.

  • Paula Meyer Soares, University of Brasília – UNB

    Doctorate in Business Economics from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - SP. Adjunct Professor at Faculdade do Gama-FGA and Professional Professional Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer - PROFNIT UnB focal point.


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How to Cite

Souza, S., Souza, A., Silva, M., Lopes, J., & Soares, P. (2020). Public Policies and Innovation Ecosystem within the Technological Innovation Center of the Federal Institute Baiano: strategic analysis of actions, programs and projects. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(12), 62-86.
Received 2020-11-03
Accepted 2020-11-27
Published 2020-12-01