Exploring sense of ethnic identity among a small Midwest sample of social work and counseling practitioners


  • Erica L Campbell Fayetteville State University, USA




ethnicity, social work, practice, race


The U.S. is transforming into a multi-racial and multi-ethnic society in which factors such as ethnicity and race are important variables to consider in social work practice and service provision to racial and ethnic minority populations. This multi-ethnic and multi-racial transformation presents many challenges for professional social work and counseling practitioners. It is important for practitioners to have a clear and concise definition of key concepts such as ethnicity and race in order to develop a sense of self-ethnic identity. This research study examines self-ethnic identity among a small sample of Midwest social work and counseling practitioners.


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Author Biography

  • Erica L Campbell, Fayetteville State University, USA

    Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Campbell, E. L. (2014). Exploring sense of ethnic identity among a small Midwest sample of social work and counseling practitioners. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(12), 48-57. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol2.iss12.284