The Sustainable Transport System at the Federal University of Amazonas
Sustainable mobility, University mobility, Sustainable transport sustemAbstract
The city mobility likewise the city dynamics might be influence the university space and how will be working the campus mobility. Some studies point out which herewith the cities' evolution, the universities have been developed the same mobility behavior as well as is influenced by the city model. Recently was investigate the constraints and how much it is possible to provide sustainable mobility at the campus. This issue will show the Federal University of Amazonas case. Nowadays, the university transport model is the same as the micro-city kinds, at the regional system have been some constraints in the service level as in the sustainability performance. On the other hand, Amazon's university performance is smoothing the sustainable impact and minimize the ecological footprint by the green area at the campus; it is the very important front of the climate change actions to hit the temperature global goals. This article is shown which is possible to improve sustainable mobility at the campus when is provides other mobility kinds and redesign the transport systems.
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Accepted 2020-12-20
Published 2021-01-01