Freedom and Truth in Public Sphere, and the Contest of Fake News
A Reflection from Kant and Hannah Arendt
Factual Truth, Politics, Lie, Freedom of Speech, Autonomy, Fake NewsAbstract
It aims to address the freedom of speech issue from a Kantian point of view, based on the concepts about public use of reason and thinking for oneself, the required conditions for publicity and its relation to fair, as opposed to the unfair and the lie. Moreover, this study addresses the problem of factual truth within the political sphere linked to the use of lies in the different means of communication, and how the fake news reveal themselves as dangerous to the current democratic states, it has, regarding this point, as the main theoretical framework Hannah Arendt's teachings.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Zilmara de Jesus Viana de Carvalho, Matheus Costa, Rayssa Marchão Araújo, Kamila Ferananda Barbosa Sampaio, Flávio Luiz de Castro Freitas

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Accepted 2020-12-21
Published 2021-01-01