Employee Retention: A key Driver to the Growth of Tourism and Hospitality in Odisha
Labour intensive, Adventure tourism, Strategy, Accommodation SectorAbstract
Odisha is the soul of incredible India having numerous tourist attractions both natural and manmade. The rich heritage and culture of this land is a unique feature in the global arena. The tourism and hospitality in the state of Odihsa is still in the developing stage. Tourism is a highly labour intensive sector and has the potential to generate high employment growth through a mix of activities. It is the hospitality accommodation industry which binds together a lot of other employment generating sectors through backward and forward linkages and the maximum tourist satisfaction can be achieved by means of competent human resource. However, good human resource practices can be an alternative strategy for the growth of this sector. Hence, accommodation sector being highly shared by private entrepreneurs, low pay, low career opportunity and poor employment conditions, low job security, the labour management is more in this sector. An effort has been made in this paper to bring forward the key factors associated with turnover of employee in the Accommodation Sector of Odisha which had not been explored quite significantly. So, the study has attempted to discover aspects as perceived by the employees and employers as important for them to retain employment in the Accommodation Sector. The study has adopted descriptive survey research design.
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