Torrefaction as a Pre-Treatment of Biomass: A Bibliometric Analysis
Bioenergy, Thermoconversion, Sustainability, Research performance, Academic networksAbstract
This article sought to investigate biomass torrefaction, analyzing the collaboration network between authors, institutions and countries in order to systematize the dynamics of scientific research on the subject. The systematic evaluation of the articles obtained in the scope of the research was important to provide an overview of the main stakeholders in the academic and institutional scope. This research is characterized as exploratory-descriptive of quantitative nature, whose technical procedure adopted was bibliometric research. A set of 662 documents were extracted from the main collection of Web of Science. The Vosviewer software was used to create scientific collaboration and co-citation networks. It was noted that the number of documents has been growing steadily since 2011, with a high degree of multidisciplinary collaboration and prolific contributions from American and Chinese researchers on this topic. The USA is the country with the largest number of publications (120 publications), followed by China (70 publications). There was a total of 1,894 authors and 594 institutions researching on biomass torrefaction, with SINTEF Energy Research - Norway having the largest number of publications, followed by National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan and Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Norway. The use of bibliometrics proposed here offers a systematic and dynamic approach to scientific research on biomass torrefaction. The identified groupings and collaboration networks presented a specific outline of the contents already published, authors, countries and institutions, in order to contribute as a starting point to future work in the field of biomass torrefaction.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Airton de Mattos Carneiro-Junior, Eduardo Oliveira Teles, Fabio Matos Fernandes, Carine Tondo Alves, Silvio Andre Biels Vieira de Mello, Ednildo Andrade Torres

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Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-01-01