Hybrid Instruction: A Study into Usage of Lecture and Student-Centered Learning During Class Time
blended pedagogy, lecture-based instruction, student-centered instruction, short assessmentsAbstract
With declining confidence in higher education, it is timely to consider the optimization of students’ class time experience. This study argues that class time should be devoted to development of student innovative skill. The authors’ direct experience is blended with theory and findings from existing research to propose an innovative approach that, rather than being mutually exclusive, indicates the complementarity of lecture and student-centered pedagogies. In this hybrid format lectures provide the delivery of old and new knowledge, while the student-centered approach provides application of that information through class discussion and short, in-class assignments. The environment motivating this research is mainland China, with English Language Learner (ELL) Chinese students, with the study’s aim being their cognitive, intellectual and second language development. The objective of this hybrid approach is the development of enhanced ‘value add’ to students’ education, with a companion aim in the maintenance of tertiary institution and teaching relevance.
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Accepted 2021-03-01
Published 2021-03-01