Cooperative community of network learning
experiences of remote teaching in the Technical course of Administration, integrated into High School, from the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano.
engagement, work groups, pedagogical activitiesAbstract
The cooperative community of network application corresponds to practices that increase or compromise and involve two students; therefore, we developed, with this study, a methodology for the creation of working groups from two reports of representatives of the investigated groups. In this sense, the methodological procedures adopted were: descriptive and exploratory research, case study, experience report, documentary, and bibliographic research, with the nature of two qualitative data, derived from the survey with the representatives of the classes of the Technical course in Administration, integrated modality year High School, from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano – IF Baiano, Teixeira de Freitas – Bahia campus, federal public institution, about or development of non-classroom pedagogical activities. From the results obtained, it is accepted that these activities are divided into synchronous and asynchronous rooms, and that is still in the adaptation phase; also through the experience report suggested to improve communication, the increase in feedback from teachers to students of activities and from students to management on the development of APNPs and difficulties encountered, to promote their effective improvement.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aline Fonseca Gomes, Carolina Costa Silva, Cleidida Barros de Carvalho, Gabriela Nascimento Prates, Giovana Miranda Pedrecal Meirelles, Ivanildo Rocha Porto, Joselito da Silva Bispo, Vagner Costa Oliveira

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Accepted 2021-03-22
Published 2021-04-01